CellRaft® AIR システムによる自動セルクローニングシステム
[Webinarオンデマンド配信 ] ライブ実施日時:2021/10/28
Cell Microsystems社で開発されたCellRaft
® AIRシステムは、極小のウェルが無数に並んだアレイを用いることで迅速かつ高い細胞生存率(80-90%)でシングルセル化が行えます。シングルセル化後にアレイ上で細胞を培養可能であり、成長率・クローナリティ・蛍光シグナル強度(3 channel)などから細胞を識別し、任意の細胞コロニーを培養プレートやPCRチューブに素早く単離することが可能です。さらに、数万に及ぶシングルセルの増殖過程は時系列の画像データとして全てアーカイブ化されるので、時を遡って細胞の状態を確認することも可能です。この一連の作業の大部分を自動化することにより、CellRaft
® AIRシステムは極めて効率的なシングルセルのワークフローをお客様に提供します。
® AIRシステムの特長と、CHO細胞を使用したモデルケースについてご紹介します。
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Detection of unintended on-target effects in CRISPR genome editing by DNA donors carrying diagnostic substitutionsMartin Lackner, Nelly Helmbrecht, Svante Pääbo, Stephan Riesenberg
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Automated microraft platform to identify and collect non-adherent cells successfully gene-edited with CRISPR-Cas9Attayek PJ, Waugh JP, Hunsucker SA, Grayeski PJ, Sims CE, Armistead PM, Allbritton NL
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【 CRISPR, Genomics, Stem Cells 】Longevity-associated SMAD3 non-coding centenarian variant impairs a cell-type specific enhancer to reduce inflammationJiping Yang et al., bioRxiv Posted May 18, 2023.doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.17.540984
【 CellRaft Technology 】Automated microarray for single-cell sorting and collection of lymphocytes following HIV reactivationBelén Cortés-Llanos, Vaibhav Jain, Alicia Volkheimer, Edward P Browne, David M Murdoch, Nancy L Allbritton
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A Novel High Throughput Microwell Outgrowth Assay for HIV Infected CellsAnthony D Fenton, Nancie Archin, Anne-Marie Turner, Sarah Joseph, Matthew Moeser, David M Margolis, Edward P Browne
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Assay and Isolation of Single Proliferating CD4+ Lymphocytes Using an Automated Microraft Array PlatformLaBelle CA, Zhang RJ, Armistead PM, Allbritton NL
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Automated platform for cell selection and separation based on four-dimensional motility and matrix degradationNowotarski HL , Attayek PJ , Allbritton NL
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Microraft array-based platform for sorting of viable microcolonies based on cell-lethal immunoassay of intracellular proteins in microcolony biopsiesSmiddy NM, DiSalvo M, Allbritton-King JD, Allbritton NL
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Identification and isolation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes with an automated microraft sorting system.Attayek PJ, Hunsucker SA, Sims CE, Allbritton NL, Armistead PM.
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Array of Biodegradable Microrafts for Isolation and Implantation of Living, Adherent CellsWang Y, Phillips CN, Herrera GS, Sims CE, Yeh JJ, Allbritton NL
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Micromolded arrays for separation of adherent cells.Wang Y, Phillips C, Xu W, Pai JH, Dhopeshwarkar R, Sims CE, Allbritton NL
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【 Genomics 】Single-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomesKalef-Ezra et al., bioRxiv Posted August 08, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.07.552289
Expression of retrotransposons contributes to aging in DrosophilaBlair K Schneider, Shixiang Sun, Moonsook Lee, Wenge Li, Nicholas Skvir, Nicola Neretti, Jan Vijg, Julie Secombe
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A rare human centenarian variant of SIRT6 enhances genome stability and interaction with Lamin AMatthew Simon, Jiping Yang, Jonathan Gigas, Eric J Earley, Eric Hillpot et al.
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Pooled image-base screening of mitochondria with microraft isolation distinguishes pathogenic mitofusin 2 mutationsAlex L. Yenkin, John C. Bramley, Colin L. Kremitzki, Jason E. Waligorski, Mariel J. Liebeskind et al.
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PDS5A and PDS5B differentially affect gene expression without altering cohesin localization across the genomeNicole L. Arruda, Audra F. Bryan & Jill M. Dowen
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Single-cell whole-genome sequencing reveals the functional landscape of somatic mutations in B lymphocytes across the human lifespanZhang L, Dong X, Lee M, Maslov AY, Wang T, Vijg J
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Neurons with Complex Karyotypes Are Rare in Aged Human NeocortexChronister WD, Burbulis IE, Wierman MB, Wolpert MJ, Haakenson MF, Smith ACB, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Weinberger DR, Bekiranov S, McConnell MJ
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Differences between germline and somatic mutation rates in humans and miceMilholland B, Dong X, Zhang L, Hao X, Suh Y, Vijg J
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Accurate identification of single-nucleotide variants in whole-genome-amplified single cellsDong X, Zhang L, Milholland B, Lee M, Maslov AY, Wang T, Vijg J.
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Selective single cell isolation for genomics using microraft arrays.Welch JD, Williams LA, DiSalvo M, Brandt AT, Marayati R, Sims CE, Allbritton NL, Prins JF, Yeh JJ, Jones CD.
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Single-Cell CNV Detection in Human Neuronal NucleiWierman M.B., Burbulis I.E., Chronister W.D., Bekiranov S., McConnell M.J.
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【 Organoids 】Hypoxia Primes Human ISCs for Interleukin-Dependent Rescue of Stem Cell ActivityKristina R Rivera et al., Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023;16(5):823-846. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2023.07.012
The CellRaft AIR® system: A novel system enabling organoid imaging, identification, and isolationAllysa Stern, Brandon Thompson, Keith Williams, Rob McClellan, Steven Gebhart, Jessica Hartman
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A high-throughput platform for stem cell niche co-cultures and downstream gene expression analysis.Gracz AD, Williamson IA, Roche KC, Johnston MJ, Wang F, Wang Y, Attayek PJ, Balowski J, Liu XF, Laurenza RJ, Gaynor LT, Sims CE, Galanko JA, Li L, Allbritton NL, Magness ST
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【 Stem Cells 】RNA binding protein SYNCRIP maintains proteostasis and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cellsFlorisela Herrejon Chavez, Hanzhi Luo, Paolo Cifani, Alli Pine, Karen L. Chu et al.
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Automated sensing and splitting of stem cell colonies on microraft arraysDiSalvo M, Smiddy NM, Allbritton NL
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Transferable neuronal mini-cultures to accelerate screening in primary and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons.Niedringhaus M, Dumitru R, Mabb AM, Wang Y, Philpot BD, Allbritton NL, Taylor AM
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A high-throughput platform for stem cell niche co-cultures and downstream gene expression analysis.Gracz AD, Williamson IA, Roche KC, Johnston MJ, Wang F, Wang Y, Attayek PJ, Balowski J, Liu XF, Laurenza RJ, Gaynor LT, Sims CE, Galanko JA, Li L, Allbritton NL, Magness ST
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