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Please complete the form below and click the Submit button. This will help us provide the most relevant information when we contact you.

Alternatively send an email with contact details
or call
81-3-3816-0851 (Intl.) We usually reply within 24-48 hours.


Please input your information
Name of Contact Person *
Title *
E-mail Address  *
Company / Institute Name *
Title / Department 
URL of your laboratory 
Phone Number *
Ex.) 81+03-1234-5678
Please input your requests.
Select the product model of your interests. *
Select the kind of your requests. *
Input your requests in detail. 
*less than 1000 characters.
Please answer to following quesions.
Are you a user of DSI Telemetry System? *
Select your research field *
Select your animal species *
Input your research interest and goal. 
*less than 1000 characters.
How did you know about iPRECIO? *
Do you want to receive updated information of products? *